Universalist Quote of the Day #186

“Looking at the world religiously, there never was a time when it has been more ready to receive and adopt the docrines of the Universalist Church than it is to-day.  Yet many of the old doctrines are retained, and the shadow of their substance still rests over many people, even while their hearts are calling for a liberal, comfortable faith.  When they hear it preached, it does them good, for they desire a religion of hope and love.  This being the case, there is yet plenty of work for our church, even in a theological point of view, and it is important that we do that work wisely and well.  We must move forward.  The church that does not have the aggressive spirit must and will die out.  The church of the future must work: by all means let ours have its share in elevating humanity, and in furnishing it with a more blessed faith.”

–Rev. William Augustus Start

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